
Andrew Filer

Annamaria Iagnocco

Stephen Kelly


























Synovial Biopsy

Working group OMERACT > Various disease core sets: RA, PsA, JiA, etc

Linked to Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial Tissue WG



H Keen  

Convenors: S Kelly, I Möller, A Filer

Website responsible: I Möller 

Objective of the subgroups work

Validation of of Minimally Invasive, Ultrasound-guided Synovial Biopsy Techniques by the OMERACT Filter

What is the contribution of the subgroup work to the OMERACT work?

Any working group where tissue related outcomes are likely to be included in trial work.

Linked to Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial Tissue WGs


Description of the previous work

1.      Systematic review 2015:

Lazarou I, D'Agostino MA, Naredo E, Humby F, Filer A, Kelly SG. Ultrasound-guided synovial biopsy: a systematic review according to the OMERACT filter and recommendations for minimal reporting standards in clinical studies. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2015 Oct;54(10):1867-75. PMID: 26022188

2.      Statement of aims 2016:

Humby F, Kelly S, Bugatti S, Manzo A, Filer A, Mahto A, Fonseca JE, Lauwerys B, D'Agostino MA, Naredo E, Lories R, Montecucco C, Tak PP, Fitzgerald O, Smith MD, Veale DJ, Choy EH, Strand V, Pitzalis C. Evaluation of Minimally Invasive, Ultrasound-guided Synovial Biopsy Techniques by the OMERACT Filter-determining Validation Requirements. J Rheumatol. 2016 Jan;43(1):208-13. PMID: 26034155

3.      Training/reproducibility study Moller/Bong/Kelly

Awaiting confirmation of progress from SK


Reporting back of work done since ACR 2017

1.      Comparative study of technique and tissue quality

Humby F, Romão VC, Manzo A, Filer A, Bugatti S, Vieira-Sousa E, Kelly S, Wechalekar M, Ahmed M, Rocher V, Hands R, Montecucco C, Fonseca J, Pitzalis C. A Multicenter Retrospective Analysis Evaluating Performance of Synovial Biopsy Techniques in Patients With Inflammatory Arthritis: Arthroscopic Versus Ultrasound-Guided Versus Blind Needle Biopsy. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2018 Feb 6 PMID 29409140


2.      PROM study: tolerability/feasibility: AF/ Søren Andreas Just leading, 4 centres, data collected, manuscript in 8th iteration


Safety Study: global reporting of adverse events with procedure: AF leading, formal launch at EULAR 2018 ESSG meeting


Next steps and discussion points

1.      Resolve Training/reproducibility study issues and publish

2.      Publication of PROM study

3.      Data collection and publication of Safety study

Once 1-3 completed, plan to circulate final results linking to tissue group then close subgroup