
L Terslev

E Naredo

A Iagnocco

PV Balint

R Wakefield

S Aydin

A  Bachta

HB Hammer HB

G Bruyn

E Filippucci

F Gandjbakhch

P Mandl

C Pineda C

W Schmidt

I Möller

D'Agostino MA

L Terslev

S Geil Kjær

W A Tabesh



























Working group OMERACT > PsA, SpA



L Terslev  

Convenors: L Terslev, D'Agostino MA

Website responsible: L Terslev

Objective of the subgroups work

To validate elementary lesions for enthesitis

To develop a scoring system

To test sensitivity to change

What is the contribution of the subgroup work to the OMERACT work?

US as an outcome measurement instrument for PsA OMERACT group

PsA group has musculoskeletal disease activity and systemic inflammation as core domains and structural damage in the research agenda


Description of the previous work

Systematic literature has been pefromed , Delphi defining the elementary lesions has been conducted with subsequent testing of the definition in static images and patients and finally a scoring system has been proposed. This is currently being tested I 2 clinical trials


Reporting back of work done since ACR 2017

Testing the scoring in clinical trials -no results is currently available


Next steps and discussion points


​Gandjbakhch F, Terslev L, Joshua F, Wakefield RJ, Naredo E, D’Agostino MA; OMERACT Ultrasound Task Force. Ultrasound in the evaluation of enthesitis: status and perspectives. Arthritis Res Ther. 2011;13:R188

Terslev L, Naredo E, Iagnocco A, Balint PV, Wakefield RJ, Aegerter P, Aydin SZ, Bachta A, Hammer HB, Bruyn GA, Filippucci E, Gandjbakhch F, Mandl P, Pineda C, Schmidt WA, D’Agostino MA; Outcome Measures in Rheumatology Ultrasound Task Force. Defining enthesitis in spondyloarthritis by ultrasound: results of a Delphi process and of a reliability reading exercise.Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2014;66:741-8.

 Balint PV, Terslev L, Aegerter P, Bruyn GAW, Chary-Valckenaere I, Gandjbakhch F, Iagnocco A, Jousse-Joulin S, Möller I, Naredo E, Schmidt WA, Wakefield RJ, D'Agostino MA; OMERACT Ultrasound Task Force members. Reliability of a consensus-based ultrasound definition and scoring for enthesitis in spondyloarthritis and psoriatic arthritis: an OMERACT US initiative. Ann Rheum Dis. 2018;77:1730-1735.