
Andrew Filer

Jeanette Trickey

Ilfita Sahbudin

Coziana Ciurtin 

Maria-Antonietta D'agostino,

Hélène Gouze

Maria Stoenoiu,

Mihaela Maruseac

Ruth Wittoek

Philippe Carron 

Alessandra Bortoluzzi

Georgios Filippou

Annamaria Iagnocco

Teodora Șerban

Irene Azzolin

Garifallia Sakellariou      

Ilaria Tinazzi

Lene Terslev,

Mads Ammitzball Danielsen

Ellen-Margrethe Hauge,

Mads Nyhuus Bendix Rasch

Hilde Berner Hammer

Marion Kortekaas

Sarah Ohrndorf         

Marcin Milchert

Jacek Fliciński

Daniela Fodor

Florentin Vreju

Rositsa Karalilova

Esperanza Naredo

Cesar Sifuentes-Cantu,

Giuliana M.C. La Paglia

Carlos Pineda,

Marwin Gutierrez,

Gustavo Leon

Cristina Reategui-Sokolova

Mohamed Mortada

Takeshi Suzuki

Kei Ikeda

Peter Mandl


























US detected minimal disease

Working group OMERACT > US detected minimal disease




Convenors: MA D'Agostino, A Filer

Website responsible: A Filer  

Objective of the subgroups work

To define the minimal US changes in the joints of healthy individuals.

What is the contribution of the subgroup work to the OMERACT work?

underpinning work for ultrasound measurement of synovitis in all disease groups


Description of the previous work

Establish the minimal disease activity sub-group at OMERACT 2016.

·        Summarised the US findings between healthy subjects and early arthritis patients in OMERACT 2016.

·        Main limitations: Healthy subjects were recruited at a single centre and largely included younger subjects (median 35 years old).

·        Minimal disease sub-group was establish to recruit a large cohort of healthy subjects across multiple countries.

2. Invitation to participate in Minimal Disease project sent to OMERACT centres at EULAR 2017 and ACR 2017.

3. Study commenced: Aug 2017

4. final recruitment: 954 healthy subjects recruited from 24 sites (11 countries).

5. first key output Publication 1:  Very low prevalence of ultrasound-detected tenosynovial abnormalities in healthy subjects throughout the age range: OMERACT ultrasound minimal disease study.  Ann Rheum Dis. 2022 Feb;81(2):232-236. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2021-219931. Epub 2021 Aug 18.

Current work and discussion points

1. Recognition of variance in grading of wrist and MTP joints

2. Creation of consensus grading atlases for wrist and MTP joints - complete

3. Central regrading of all images – in progress

4. Draft publication 2: synovial data, planned publication of companion atlases – in progress